Headhunter's Horror House Wiki
Boar spear
Type: Weapon
Availability: Common item

A spear is a two-handed weapon with a long shaft and a pointy end. Although it can be used in close-quartered combat, it is more effective when thrown at an intended target. When the pointy end goes into the other person, they make an "ouchy" sound. If it REALLY goes into them, then they don't make any sound because they are probably friggin' dead! A spear is considered by many a primitive weapon, and is no longer used in conventional warfare. However, some native tribes in areas of Africa and South America can still be found using spears, though this is mostly used for hunting.

In film[]

  • Friday the 13th Part 2: A prankish camp counselor named Ted used a spear as part of his disguise while pretending to be his interpretation of legendary serial killer Jason Voorhees. During a campfire retelling of the story of Jason Voorhees, Ted leaped out wearing a fright mask, a loincloth and waving the spear. After everyone scattered in fright, Ted removed the mask, revealing his true identity. He later kept the spear at the Packanack Lodge main hall. Later, the real Jason Voorhees showed up and used the spear to double-impale two counselors named Jeff and Sandra after they had just finished having sex.
  • Tucker & Dale vs. Evil: A college student named Todd sharpende a tree branch into a makeshift spear. He charged at a hillbilly named Dale with it, believing that Dale had apprehended his friend, Allison. Todd tripped and fell forward into a hole, impaling himself on his own spear. Dumbass.

Notes & Trivia[]


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