Headhunter's Horror House Wiki
"You think I'm scared to go to Hell? F*ck that! I'm from Jersey!"
Crystal Lake 002
New Jersey
Nicknames: The Garden State; Jersey
Category: U.S. State
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
Points of interest: Atlantic City; Bergen County; Burlington County; Camp Crystal Lake; Clearview Mental Institution; Hackensack; Higgins Haven; Jason Voorhees' shack; Jersey City; Newark; Pinehurst Youth Development Center; Salem; Tromaville; Wessex County

New Jersey is a U.S. coastal state located on the middle-eastern seaboard. It is bordered by Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York. New Jersey has proven to be a pivotal locale relating either directly or indirectly to several horror movie franchises. New Jersey is the principal setting of the Friday the 13th film series. Although none of the films ever identify New Jersey by name, there are several key indicators for its geographical placement. Several vehicles featured in the first two films bear New Jersey license plates. The central setting for Camp Crystal Lake was shot at Camp Nobebosco in Blairstown, New Jersey in the first film. The surname, "Voorhees", is taken from the town of Voorhees, New Jersey.

The fictional city of Tromaville is also located in New Jersey. Tromaville is the primary setting for many b-rated films produced by Troma Entertainment, not the least of which include the Toxic Avenger franchise. Troma's Class of Nuke 'Em High also takes place in New Jersey.

New Jersey has even had some influence on the Halloween film franchise. The setting of Haddonfield, Illinois was named after Haddonfield, New Jersey. The name was chosen in honor of screenwriter Debra Hill who was born in Haddonfield, New Jersey.

Points of Interest[]

Bergen County
Bergen County is the most populous county in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Located in the northeastern corner of New Jersey and its Gateway Region, Bergen County is part of the New York City metropolitan area next to the Hudson River; the George Washington Bridge, which crosses the Hudson, connects Bergen County with Manhattan.
Clearview Mental Institution
The Clearview Mental Institution is a mental hospital and sanitarium located in the U.S. state of New Jersey. It is known for its experimental processes, which often employs fringe science theories for the advancement of therapy for its patients. Two of its more renowned staff members are Mary Young who designed a Neurotech device, which worked in tandem with something called a Dream Probe, which was developed by Doctor Leonard Price. Mary believed that her invention could suspend the antisocial psychopathy in patients. Clearview's most infamous patient is the psychopathic teen serial killer, Ernest Fairchild, aka "Evil Ernie". Fairchild became the subject of Mary Young's Neurotech experiment. When she activated the device however, it exploded, killing Fairchild in the process. An enigmatic goddess known as Lady Death resurrected Fairchild, and sent him back to Earth where embarked on the most ambitious of sprees - to murder everyone on the planet.
Hackensack is a city located in Bergen County in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Hackensack is the birth place of fictional serial killer Charles Lee Ray. As an adult, Ray was active in the Chicago area and was gunned down by a man named Mike Norris. Charles used a voodoo amulet to transpose his soul into a "Good Guy" doll named Chucky. His body was sent back to Hackensack for burial. The Amulet of Damballah was buried with him. Years later, Chucky used magic transpose the soul of his girlfriend Tiffany Valentine into a bridal doll. In order to reverse the spell however, they needed the original amulet, which was still in Hackensack. When they journeyed to the cemetery to disinter Charles' remains, the two betrayed one another and got into a fight, which temporarily incapacitated both dolls.
Salem was the home of a married couple named Pam and Jerry. They had adopted a young boy named Gary. In 2022, they adopted a second child, a teenager named Jake Wheeler. Six months later, on Halloween night, Jake received a threatening prank call from a possessed killer doll named Chucky. Jake took Gary with him and traveled back to his hometown of Hackensack to deal with the menace. During this affair, Gary was killed.
Trenton is the state of capitol of New Jersey. Screenplay writer Michael Cristofer, who wrote the 1987 film adaptation of The Witches of Eastwick was born in Trenton on January 22nd, 1945. Actor Leo Rossi, who played Budd in Halloween II was born in Trenton on June 26th, 1946.


Films that take place in New Jersey[]

TV shows that take place in New Jersey[]

Comics that take place in New Jersey[]

Characters from New Jersey[]

People who were born in New Jersey[]

People who died in New Jersey[]

(Truthfully, doesn't everybody "die" at least a little bit in New Jersey?)


  • The 2003 film Freddy vs. Jason posits the notion that the town of Springwood, which had been previously established as being in Ohio, is apparently only a short drive from Camp Crystal Lake, which has been repeatedly been shown to be located in Southern New Jersey. At best this would have been at least a three or four hour drive, but the timeline in the film insinuates that the locales are not that far away from one another. In the film, a group of teenagers drive an unconscious Jason Voorhees from Springwood to Camp Crystal Lake. It is never established how long the teens are in the van with the unconscious Jason, but it is implied that they are only driving for a short period of time.

External Links[]


  1. Also attributed to the state of Connecticut

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