Headhunter's Horror House Wiki
Cassie Hack

A monster hunter is somebody who hunts monsters for a living. The hours are crappy, but the pay is good. Some hunters specialize in one particular breed of supernatural creature, while others may extend their talents to include all races. Some notable specialties include:

  • Vampire hunter/slayer
  • Werewolf hunter
  • Demon hunter
  • All-around general freak-show hunter


Character Series Type
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Vampire hunter
Adam Van Helsing Vampirella Vampire hunter
Alan Frog The Lost Boys Vampire hunter
Alaric Saltzman The Vampire Diaries Vampire hunter
Araya Calavera Teen Wolf Werewolf hunter
Charley Brewster Fright Night Vampire hunter
Christopher Argent Teen Wolf Werewolf hunter
Clementine Chasseur Hemlock Grove Werewolf hunter
Dean Winchester Supernatural Monster hunter
Edgar Frog The Lost Boys Vampire hunter
Elsa Bloodstone Marvel Universe Monster hunter
Eric Brooks Blade: The Series Vampire hunter
Grandpa Emerson The Lost Boys Vampire hunter
John Winchester Supernatural Demon hunter
Buffy Summers Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vampire hunter
Faith Lehane Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vampire hunter
Kate Argent Teen Wolf Werewolf hunter
Lawrence Van Helsing Hammer Horror Vampire hunter
Lorrimer Van Helsing Hammer Horror Vampire hunter
Lucas Stand Lucas Stand Demon hunter
Michael Chasseur Hemlock Grove Werewolf hunter
Nikki Wood Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vampire hunter
Peter Vincent Fright Night Vampire hunter
Quincy Harker Tomb of Dracula Vampire hunter
Rachel van Helsing Tomb of Dracula Vampire hunter
Sam Winchester Supernatural Monster hunter
Severo Calavera Teen Wolf Werewolf hunter
Sineya Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vampire hunter
Stefan Crosscoe The Howling Werewolf hunter
Tamora Monroe Teen Wolf Hellhound hunter
Xin Rong Buffy the Vampire Slayer Vampire hunter


See also[]

Angel logo
This article relates to the Angel television series.
Blade logo
This article relates to the Blade franchise.
Howling logo
This article relates to The Howling film franchise.
Supernatural logo
This article relates to the Supernatural television series.
Teen Wolf logo
This article relates to the Teen Wolf film franchise.
This template will categorize articles that include it in into the Teen Wolf miscellaneous category.
Werewolf logo
This article relates to the Werewolf television series.