Headhunter's Horror House Wiki
American Horror Story 4x12 006

Chester Creb cuts Maggie Esmerelda in half in "Show Stoppers" from American Horror Story.

Cut in half is when you take something and cut it into two pieces of equal size, such as a piece of wood, a hoagie, a steak, or... a human being (ewwww). Stage magicians like doing this trick for the rubes with the infamous "sawing a woman in half" bit. For the purposes of this database, "cut in half" refers to instances where a human body is cut into two. Specifically, individuals who are cut in half horizontally across the mid-section, though an argument can be made for some diagonal cuts as well. This is not to be confused with being sliced in half which, for the purposes of his database, refers to individuals who are cut in two vertically down the middle.

Characters who are cut in half[]

Character Film/Series
Anya Jenkins Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bianca Forest American Horror Story
Bill Freeburg Freddy vs. Jason
Bloated well walker The Walking Dead
Caleb Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dawn Emerson Terrifier
Doolans Blackgas
Hellworld Host Hellraiser
Holden Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, The
Maggie Esmerelda American Horror Story

In film[]

  • Annabelle: Creation: A demon tears Esther Mullins' body in half, pinning the top half to a bedroom wall.
  • Freddy vs. Jason: Jason Voorhees uses his machete to cut Bill Freeburg in half at the waste.
  • Hellraiser: Hellworld: The Banded Cenobite and the Melted Face Cenobite cut the Hellworld Host in half with bladed weapons.

In television[]

In comics[]

See also[]

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