Includes characters who are Minor characters in films and television. These character generally only make brief appearances and their significant contributions to their respective franchise is minimal. |
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Bobby Richter II -
Bobby Richter -
Bloated well walker -
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All items (996)
- A. Mace
- A.J. Stoker
- Abigail Willoughby
- Adams
- Agent Abernathy
- Agnetha
- Aiden Monroe
- Aimes
- Albert
- Alex
- Alex Dupree
- Alex Logue
- Alexandra Serris
- Alfonso Warner
- Alice Martin
- Alice Neely
- Alice's grandmother
- Alisha
- Allen Halliwell
- Allie Kruglov
- Allison DeFeo
- Ally Riis
- Alonna Gunn
- Alphonse Frankenstein
- Amanda Collins
- Amanda Krueger
- Amanda Wolcott
- Amazing Elmo
- Amber James
- Amber Waves
- Amelia Blake
- Amir Stanley
- Amos Duncan
- Ana
- Ananka
- Andre Anthony
- Andrea Grimes
- Andy Neale
- Angela Walsh
- Angelique de Bussi
- Anita Bircham
- Anita Leung
- Anna Bolt
- Anna Leigh Leighton
- Anna Morgan
- Anna W.
- Annette Devereaux
- Annette Greene
- Annie Pangborn
- Antha Mayfair
- Anton Nybörg
- Ariel Eberhart
- Armed neighbor (DotD)
- Arnie Westrum
- Arnold Greene
- Arwen
- Ashley Gilbert
- Astra Logue
- Astrid Josefsen
- Audrey Ellis
- Aurelia
- Authority gate guard
- Authority guard 1
- Authority guard 2
- Autopsy zombie
- Ava Miller
- Barb O'Hare
- Barbara Jansen
- Barbara Ketch
- Barbara Randolph
- Barry (Friday the 13th)
- Barry Fitzpatrick
- Barry Rabe
- Barton
- Barton Blaze
- Basil Ashford
- Bathia Mapes
- Bearded man
- Beautiful woman donor
- Becks
- Ben Collins
- Ben McAllister
- Benjamin Cox
- Bennett Tramer
- Bertie
- Beth Braddock
- Betty Churchill
- Betty Hartman
- Beverly Gable
- Bianca Burnette
- Big Daddy Joe
- Big Rig Bob
- Big Tiny
- Bill Dillon
- Bill Murray
- Bill Watson
- Billy Macauley
- Billy-Bob Bobbs
- Bish
- Bishop McFarland
- Black Eagle
- Blake Mueller's father
- Blayne Moll
- Blind Angus
- Bloated well walker
- Blood den proprietor
- Bob Coslaw
- Bob Flutie
- Bob Simms
- Bobby Davis
- Bobby Richter
- Bobby Richter II
- Bohemian
- Borquita LaLaurie
- Boy
- Brad Glitch
- Brad Vickers
- Bradley Trevor
- Braelyn Bellefleur
- Brandon James
- Brenda Merrill
- Brett (True Blood)
- Brian Heminngway
- Brian Stockwood
- Briggs
- Brooke Bluebell
- Brooke Fenton
- Bruce Cabot
- Bruce Campbell (III)
- Bubbles McGee
- Buddy (Halloween)
- Burning Snake
- Butterball Cenobite
- Buzz
- Cal Tucker
- Caldwell
- Caleb
- Candace Barr
- Canute
- Captain Clegg
- Cara
- Carl Renken
- Carl Schlag
- Carl Wilkes
- Carmen Esposito
- Caroline Beaufort
- Carter
- Caspar Quaid
- Cassie James
- Cat lady
- Cedella
- Cedric Ashford
- Chad Taylor
- Chan
- Channing Ngo
- Character:Morgan Strode
- Characters:M
- Characters:P
- Charlaine Bellefleur
- Charleen Hughes
- Charles Busey, Jr.
- Charles LeJeune
- Charlie Kelso
- Charlie O'Casey
- Charlie Taylor
- Charlie Winslow
- Chatterer
- Chef Bertie
- Cherokee
- Chester Chesterfield
- Chett Johns
- Chief Mitchell
- Chloe Stapleton
- Chrissie Watkins
- Christian Harper
- Christine Hamilton
- Chubbie's customer
- Cindy Marshall
- Clara
- Claudette (Friday the 13th)
- Clear mask man
- Cattle truck driver
- Coach Schneider
- Coby Fowler
- Coder
- Colleen Reilly
- Colleen Sanders
- Conan W. McClelland