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- A.J. Stoker
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- Aaron (Walking Dead)
- Aaron Boone
- Aaron Lightner
- Abaddon
- Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
- Abby
- Abby Hammond
- Abdi Howlwadaag
- Abe North
- Abel
- Abel (Swamp Thing)
- Aberrance City
- Abigail
- Abigail Arcane
- Abigail Collins
- Abigail Mills
- Abigail Willoughby
- Abnegazar
- Abra Stone
- Abraham
- Abraham Ford
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Setrakian
- Abraham Van Helsing
- Abraham van Helsing
- Abraxas
- Accelerated aging
- Acheron
- Acid generation
- Acorn
- Ada LaBostrie
- Adad
- Adalind Schade
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- Adam Banjo
- Adam Barnes
- Adam Carpenter
- Adam Colletta
- Adam Collins
- Adam Conant
- Adam Garou
- Adam Milligan
- Adam Minarovich
- Adam Royston
- Adam Strange
- Adam Sutton
- Adam Van Helsing
- Adams
- Addams Family
- Addams family mansion
- Addy Miller
- Adelaide Langdon
- Adele Stackhouse
- Adilyn Bellefleur
- Admiral Robertson
- Adolf Hitler
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- Adrian Harris
- Adrienne
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- Aiden Steiner
- Aileen Wuornos
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- Alan Abelew
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- Alan Frog
- Alan Hallman
- Alan Halsey
- Alan Hooks
- Alan Pangborn
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- Alex (Fear the Walking Dead)
- Alex Corvis
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- Alexa Sworn
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- Alexander Luthor
- Alexander Luthor, Jr.
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- Alexandra Johnes
- Alexandra Serris
- Alexandria, Virginia
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- Alexiev Gogol
- Alexis Blume
- Alfonso Warner
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alfredo Sawyer
- Algon
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- Alice Cable
- Alice Hardy
- Alice Hargood
- Alice Harris