Headhunter's Horror House Wiki
Frankenstein Monster - Young Frankenstein 003
Burn victim
Classification: Miscellaneous
Associated franchises: Amityville Horror
Child's Play
The Crow
Kingdom Universe
Night of the Living Dead
Nightmare on Elm Street
Associated films: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Child's Play 2
Prom Night
Scars of Dracula
Associated programs: American Horror Story
Scream: The Series

A burn victim is someone who has suffered physical trauma as a result of a burn. Burns can occur from a variety of sources, but the most common burns are from fire. Others include, chemical, electrical and radioactive burns. The severity of a burn is measure in degrees. A first degree burn is relatively minor and can be treated by running some cool water over it and time. Second degree burns are a little more intense and may require ointment or anti-itch medication. Again, ya just have to wait it out. Once you get into your third and fourth degree burns, you're talkin' about the heavy duty stuff. Third degree burns leave permanent scarring on the epidermis and fourth degree burns actually occur on both the outer skin and beneath the epidermis, including fat deposits. Ewwww.

In the horror genre, the mother of all burn victims is of course ole pizza-face hisself, Freddy Krueger. When the judicial system failed to put Krueger away as a child murderer, a bunch of parents from the town of Springwood, Ohio tracked him down to the boiler room where he worked, locked him inside and set it on fire, ultimately killing him. Though his spirit returned as a demonic dream entity, his face always maintained the scars of his demise.

Through the course of Freddy's career, other people have suffered from major burns as well including Marge Thompson whose body erupted into flames in her bedroom, and Mark Davis, who had the words "Freddy's back" blistered upon his back. Two of Krueger's targets, Nancy Thompson and Lori Campbell both suffered minor burns, which actually saved their lives, as it awakened them from a nightmare that allowed them to survive Freddy's attack against them.





  • Immolation redirects to this page. Immolation specifically relates to a person who has a died as result of burning. This may be done as a form of execution, ritualism, or self-inflected symbolism.

See also[]

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