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British Army
Dog Soldiers 000
British Army
Continuity: Real world
Type: Military
Status: Active
Leaders: Patrick Sanders
Members: Bruce Campbell; Doyle; Harry G. Wells; Henry West; Joe Kirkley; Terry Milburn; Whiteshroud; Witherspoon

The British Army is the principal land warfare force of the United Kingdom, a part of British Armed Forces. The modern British Army traces back to 1707, with an antecedent in the English Army that was created during the Restoration in 1660. The term British Army was adopted in 1707 after the Acts of Union between England and Scotland. Members of the British Army swear allegiance to the monarch as their commander-in-chief, but the Bill of Rights of 1689 requires parliamentary consent for the Crown to maintain a peacetime standing army.

28 Days Later[]

During the original outbreak of the Rage virus, the British military was mobilized in an effort to contain the outbreak and defend the civilian population. As the infection spread throughout mainland Britain, the British Army was tasked with protecting the population by blockading the entrances to major cities such as London and Manchester in an effort to save those remaining in the cities from becoming infected. These blockades, however, were quickly overrun by the infected, allowing the virus to take hold in the cities and presumably collapsing most of the British military.

Major Sanders, of the US Army, when Clint Harris questioned about the British Army, he answered: "What British Army? The last time we heard of any soldier in the mainland was when that poor lot holed in just outside Manchester", implying than the attempt to defend Manchester was the last organized British military operation, and his members the last organized groups of that force. One of these groups, an army brigade, commanded by Major Henry West, defending the 42nd blockade outside Manchester, was able to protect their post the longest out of the remnants of the Army, before they too were overrun. Ten soldiers, including Major West himself, survived and then found the deserted Worsley House in the nearby woods. They fortified and defended it against the infected and began to broadcast messages of hope to other survivors, promising "the answer to infection", which was waiting for the infected to starve to death.

However, they also planned to force any female survivors they found and rescued into sexual slavery in order to repopulate the country. When the brigade found and rescued Jim, Hannah and Selena, they promised to protect them and then tried to force Hannah and Selena into sexual servitude. Sergeant Farrell was shot for trying to protect Hannah and Selena from the other soldiers; Jones, Davis and Mitchell were killed by Jim; and West and the rest of the brigade were all either infected or killed.






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  • The Dead: Kingdom of Flies 2

See also[]

External Links[]


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